We spent the weekend in Houston visiting the Werleys and had a super-fun Saturday at the beach in Galveston. What made it so special to our family was that it was Kinsey and Dax's first time to dip their little toes into the ocean! :-)
The Helm family's first ever beach photo!
It was very obvious that I was a novice at this whole thing, seeing as I waited to put sunscreen on everyone until we were down by the water. I will definitely remember next time that sand and sunscreen mixed makes for difficult application! By the grace of God, we managed to have no sunburns! :-)
These two girls were delighted to spend the day together. Whenever they are together they're inseparable! What's better than spending the day at the beach? Getting to be there with your best buddy! (and have matching swimsuits!)
And mommies agree...
We enjoyed getting to spend such a fun day with such sweet friends! :-)
Dax enjoyed the first hour or so...
Then got tired (and sad), so daddy took him on a car ride for nap time. Worked like a charm, and when he woke up he was ready for some waves!
Getting to play on the sand hill and feed seagulls was another wonderful treat. The kiddos loved throwing bread up into the air for the birds to swoop in and eat, and I am fully convinced that I will never be too old to enjoy it myself!
I love how our kids remind us to slow down and be in awe of all the wonders God has made (nothing is too simple)...thanks for showing me this Kinsey! Let's slow down more often!
Before this day, it had been 7 years since my handsome hubby and I stood on a beach together. We should definitely do this more often! :-)
Such a fun memory! We can't wait to go back!
Thank you, Werleys, for moving an hour away from the beach! ;-)